We all know how important it is to ensure loved ones are provided for on your death with a will, but what if you should be unable to make decisions due to accident or illness?
If you are incapacitated and haven’t got a Power of Attorney the Office of the Public Guardian will take control of your assets and bank accounts and your family will have to apply to access them.
Whilst the Court was set up to protect the assets of vulnerable people, at a time of stress and concern, being unable to access assets only makes a difficult situation worse for your family. This can be avoided by granting someone you trust Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA). This gives them the right to look after your financial affairs or health and welfare should you lose mental capacity to do so. This document is registered at the Office of the Public Guardian and used if or when needed.
For those powers of attorney we charge a fixed fee of £450.00 plus vat. Please be aware that there is a court fee of £110.00 to register the LPA unless you qualify for exemption or fee reduction. For simple Powers of Attorney, which don’t require registration - the fixed fee is £250.00 plus vat. An example of where this may be needed is where one is out of the country and a document needs to be signed.